Hey Beauty

Colors may appear different in real life

Créez votre propre néon personnalisé
Sign size at widest point

Extra Small

50cm Max 6 letters per line


75cm Max 9 letters per line


100cm Max 12 letters per line


150cm Max 18 letters per line

Extra Large

225cm Max 18 letters per line
(Scroll to the left)
(Scroll to the left)

White Jacket

Your sign will be white when turned off

Colored Jacket

The tube will be colored when turned off

(Scroll to the left)

Cut to letter

No acrylic backing

Cut to shape

Acrylic backing following the shape of the sign.

Cut to square

Acrylic backing in shape of a square or rectangle around your sign.


Make your sign stand by itself.

I want my sign to be:

For indoor use only


For outdoor use

35$ extra

PRICE $0.00